Cannot Activate my SOSH App

Sosheur junior

I had 3 discussions with the SOSH chat line to activate my SOSH application, so far we have failed. I have the SIM card in a 4G router but I can read sms in the browser. I can't say how much of my data was used. I tried calls #123# and #321# but they don't work. Is there an SMS number that you can use to get your data usage? Do they send an SMS before you use all your data?


I have had 3 chats with SOSH chatline to activate my SOSH app, so far we have failed

I have the SIM in a 4G router but can read SMS in browser

I cannot tell how much of my data has been used.

I have tried the #123# and #321# calls but they do not work.

Is there an SMS number you can use to get your data usage? Do they send an SMS before you use all your data?

1 réponse1


Hello @sjm09,

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